Easy TCA

Easy TCA treatment is a deep penetrating but at the same time safe scrub which stimulates fibroblast to create more collagen and elastin in dermis.
It owes its uniqueness and high safety profile to, inter alia, Post Peel Mask preparation which helps to prevent unwanted activity and enhances effectiveness of the scrub itself. Thanks to phytic acid contents it has strong antioxidative and skin healing properties, which lead to stopping inflammatory reaction, pain discomfort and skin smartness.


  • photoaging
  • wrinkles
  • smoker’s skin
  • smoker’s wrinkles
  • acne and post-acne scars
  • hyperpigmentation
  • melasma
  • sun keratosis
  • stretch marks


  • pregnancy and lactation
  • active viral infections (e.g. herpes) and bacterial ones in the area subjected to treatment
  • tendency for appearance of keloid scars
  • no preparations of skin irritating properties should be used a week before the treatment
  • men should not shave an hour before the scrub

The process of treatment

Easy TCA® Pain Control is normally put on skin in a circuitous way with the use of cotton buds. The last layer of scrub is the one which presents the desired level of frosting (frosting points, frosting “clouds”). The application of a proper quantity of Post Peel Mask determines the end of the treatment.  Easy TCA® Pain Control Scrub does not require neutralisation. Post Peel Mask stops erytheme, the feeling of skin irritation and the feeling of heat within a few seconds and largely limits the supervention of an undesired action after the treatment.

Dry skin starts to peel on the third day after the treatment (sometimes later if this is the first treatment)  and this process finishes on the sixth day following the treatment the latest. The intensity of peeling depends on the depth on which the scrub was performed.

  • as an intraepidermal scrub (redness without frosting – repeat 4 times, once a week)
  • as a scrub for basal layer of epidermis (point frosting – repeat 4 times, once a week)
  • as a scrub for the inside of papillary dermis (homogeneous pink-white frosting – repeat after a month if needed)

Post treatment indications

Post Peel Mask preparation should be left on skin for 10-12 hours. For circa 24 hours following the treatment the skin is taut and irritated. After 24-48 the process of intensified peeling begins and it lasts for 3-7 days. In order to minimize the feeling of discomfort, it is recommended to use soothing and oiling preparations depending on the need – as often as required.

Additional post treatment indications:

  • avoid sauna and solarium for a fortnight
  • avoid sun exposure for a fortnight
  • use sun protection – a cream with +50 sunscreen for at least a fortnight

Convalescence time

2-3 days following the treatment appears intensified peeling and reddening of skin which lasts from 3 to 7 days

The effect of the treatment

Firming and refreshing of skin, decreasing or eliminating wrinkles, brightening hyperpigmentation, shallowing post-acne scars, reduction of stretch marks.

Time: 30 -40 minutes
Anaesthesia: no
Complementary treatments: It is strongly recommended to use Pixel Peel technique which is a combination of Easy TCA with fractional micro pricking with the usage of DERMAPEN

Price List
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