
Over the years Aptos threads have been constantly upgraded offering a wide range of products which give the possibility of correction of soft tissues sagging and bringing back their original position. The threads enable achieving a perfect aesthetic result without using traditional surgical operations. The effect of lifting tissues is visible immediately after the treatment. Additionally, with time passing by, thanks to the presence of polylactic acid there occurs a process of stimulating fibroblasts to produce elastin resulting in the growth of tension and flexibility of the area treated.
By synergistic activity of lifting and stimulation, the effects of the treatment are spectacular and long-lasting. Even after a dissolution of a thread, the skin treated does not return to its earlier state and the aging process happens more slowly.
The usage of Aptos threads is highly recommended for people between 35 and 60 years of age who want to rejuvenate their face while at the same time avoid an invasive surgical operation.
They can also be used in case of younger people in order to correct existing asymmetries. The usage of threads after the age of 60 depends on the condition of skin.


  • shaping chosen face parts

  • enhancing face oval

  • removal of sagging cheeks

  • face lifting

  • asymmetry of brow ridges

  • drooping upper eyelids


  • pregnancy and breast feeding

  • autoimmune diseases

  • uncontrolled diabetes

  • tendency for appearance of keloid scars

  • active viral infections (e.g. herpes) and bacterial ones in the area subjected to treatment
  • active form of cancer

  • fever

  • usage of anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory drugs

Process of treatment

After thorough skin disinfecting and infiltrative anaesthesia, threads are placed within skin through injection points by means of highly specialised implantation technique adjusted to the area treated with the use of a cannula or a needle.

The treatment does not require cutting so it leaves no scars and the effect of lifting is visible immediately after the treatment.

Post treatment indications

In order to have the threads properly implanted and to obtain an optimal effect of the treatment it is necessary to follow post treatment indications:

  • supinating for 3-4 nights

  • touching and cleansing the face in a very delicate way with clean hands only

  • eating comminute food for 3-4 days

  • limiting face mimics (laughing) for 7-14 days

  • limiting wide mouth opening (visits at the dentist) for 7-14 days

  • limiting physical activeness for 14 days, intensive effort is not recommended until at least a month after the treatment

Convalescence time

After the treatment the skin can be oedematous and slight lumpiness (rugosity of skin excess) can appear, but it should disappear within maximum 2 weeks. Additionally, in places where threads where placed, there may appear slight swelling, lividity or haematoma which may be visible for 7-14 days. Patients can suffer from mimic discomfort for the period of 2 weeks.

The effect of the treatment:
The effect of lifting tissues – enhancement of the face oval.

The persistence of the treatment effect
Depending on individual predispositions of a patient the effect of the treatment can be visible for ca. 2-3 years and if needed, can be repeated.

Time: 30-60 minutes
Anaesthesia: yes, infiltrative one  (e.g. Lignocaine)
Complementary treatments: scrubs, Dermapen, mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid


Types of threads

Excellence Visage

Excellence Visage treatment involves using special threads with microbarbs positioned opposite each other. Such placing of barbs where each subsequent barb is located on the opposite direction from the previous one allows better grouping of tissues and a better lifting effect. Thanks to this treatment you can correct and rejuvenate all face parts including the ones with wrinkles hard to sculpt. The treatment is perfect for correction of the first symptoms of skin laxity and slightly flopping tissues.

Light Lift Thread 2G

Thread 2G procedure is based on the use of a thread equipped with barbs. At both ends of the thread there are special needles which are separated when implanted into tissues. Light Lift Thread 2G technology is highly recommended to patients awaiting face correction in the yoke bones area but brings also great results in sculpting a chin, a lower jaw and levelling sagging cheeks.

Light Lift Needle 2G

This procedure involves using two bilateral needles connected to each other, to which a thread is joined. Such fixing enables implanting a thread within skin without additional pricks. Additionally, bilateral microbarbs present on the surface protect tissue from relocating and a 50-centimeter-long thread enables precise preparation of the area subjected to the treatment ensuring a perfect lifting effect. A couple of needles and a long thread with microbarbs are perfect for sculpting a chin and a lower jaw and also in case of very popular lifting of cheekbones.

Light Lift Spring

This kind of threads is used to level so called “marionette lines”. The treatment involves implanting a thread at the end of which special springs are located. Thanks to them drooping areas of soft tissue are lifted, but cramps of mimic muscles are not constrained in any way and facial expression remains unchanged.

Aptos Wire

Aptos Wire device is a steel incisive instrument welded with a needle. It is used for freeing deep wrinkles and scars from syncretion located below. It is a minimally invasive procedure which does not require snicking of skin and Aptos Wire device is entered inside the skin through injection points. The device can also be used for cutting platysma as well as levelling skin surface and subcutaneous layer after unsuccessful liposuction.

Aptos Nano

Aptos Nano Line is a technique which strengthens and revitalizes soft tissues with the use of bio-fibres built from polylactic acid. It is based on specially constructed caprolac threads, which thanks to their “plait” or “spring” built have, within tissues, properties of filling and smoothing wrinkles while at the same time keeping facial expression. The thread is implanted with a thin needle entered subdermally. The thread creates a skin-supporting framework, fitting tissues in a proper placement. The result is visible immediately after the treatment, though a final effect resulting from additional stimulation of the skin is visible within a few weeks. Nano Line is dedicated for the areas such as: eyebrows, upper and lower eyelid areas, crow’s feet, marionette lines, smoker’s wrinkles, furrows around ears, “the valley of tears”, décolleté and hands.

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